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Drunktank / Blue Collar Punks
14. Juni 2024 | 20:00 – 23:30

ACHTUNG: FOR I AM und MELONBALL mussten leider absagen. Als Ersatz springen spontan DRUNKTANK ein.
Since playing their first show in 2014, FOR I AM have grown into one of the most well-known and active bands in the Belgian punk scene. The band’s always been a proud advocate of upbeat, powerful punk rock songs with catchy hooks and strong vocals by lead singer Hanne. Over the course of the next 9 years the band’s released an EP called 15 Minutes Late (2015), a first full album by the name of All About Perspectives (2017), a compilation CD made for their Japanese Tour in 2019 and a second full length album named Late Bloomers (2019). Encouraged by their enthused audiences, the band has gone back to the studio and is celebrating the birth of their 3rd full album „The Righteous & The Wicked“ with this German release show.
MELONBALL play melodic skatepunk with fast riffs, three-part vocal harmonies, catchy hooks and lyrics with strong opinions: MELONBALL play “melonic” punkrock and are present in different corners of the genre. They stormed the punk rock scene with a unique blend of politically-charged skate punk and rousing melodies and harmonies. A main feature is the striking voice of lead singer Oli which gives MELONBALL a unique sound in the skatepunk spectrum. MELONBALL’s powerful lyrics address social and system-critical issues, conveying the raw emotions that connect people in the fight against injustice and abuse of power.
Make Pop-Punk Great Again! Seit 2017 streben die vier Mainzer von BLUE COLLAR PUNKS danach, den Sound der 2000er auf die Bühne zurückzubringen. Eingängige Melodien, krachende Riffs und reichlich Parts zum Mitsingen für das Publikum.
Ob schnelle Punk-Hymnen wie „We Fly“, dem Hardcore angelehnte Brecher wie „All in my Head“ oder akustische Balladen wie „Best of us“, Blue Collar Punks vereinen ihre Einflüsse, um ihren eigenen Sound zu kreieren. Angetrieben von Drummer Simon, der zugleich der Leadsänger der Band ist, sorgen die anderen Bandmitglieder dafür, dass ein Frontmann nie vermisst wird. Kampfgeschrei und martialische Sprünge lassen nie Langeweile aufkommen und sorgen dafür, dass auch die letzte Reihe tanzt.