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End of Pipe / The Scum Orchestra / Snuckouts
27. August 2022 | 20:00 – 23:30

END OF PIPE formed in Florianópolis, SC. in Brazil in 2006. They began earning themselves a reputation as a great live band by playing at parties and skate championships around Santa Catarina – an island just off the southern Brazilian coast. Singing in English helped them stand out from other Brazilian acts and they released their first EP in 2008. This led to supports with visiting US acts like Less Than Jake, Face To Face , No Use For a Name, Adolescents and also a slot at The Fest in Gainesville, US.
THE SCUM ORCHESTRA is a moonshine-powered folk punk rock group from Tampere, Finland. TSO was formed in 2017 as a one-man acoustic act and it has turned into a 5 piece band. This band has earned a reputation as a really energetic live act and maybe it’s because they did over 100 gigs before even releasing their debut album „When chaos becomes order“ in 2020.
They have shared the stage with acts like Authority Zero, Bridge City Sinners, Oi Polloi and many more. Their second album is coming out this year and the road to chaos continues! FULL SPEED OR NOTHING!
Und zuerst für euch: SNUCKOUTS: „Feinster Pop-Punk aus dem Herzen von Mainz. Straight treibende Rhythmen und wieselflinke Gitarrenläufe ziehen dich in die Moshpits, ohne dass dabei die Melodie zu kurz kommt.“
Die Veranstaltung wird gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien: https://www.kulturstaatsministerin.de

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