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Austin Lucas „Somebody Loves You“
26. Juni 2020 | 20:00 – 23:30

Please join us for a special event with AUSTIN LUCAS, as he performs his album „Somebody Loves You“ in its entirety, along with a collection of old and new material.
In 2009 AUSTIN LUCAS released his 3rd studio full-length, which would become the first to gain him wider critical acclaim and an international audience. Somebody Loves You, a landmark achievement in his career, surprised everyone (especially Austin) when it unexpectedly spent several weeks on Billboard´s Top 10 Folk and Bluegrass charts.
Although Austin had grown up in the world of hardcore and punk, several things set him apart from the pack in the emerging folk punk genre. While many of his peers presented punk songs stripped down into the acoustic realm, Austin had a traditional aesthetic, gathered through a lifetime of folk and country music influences and the benefit of being born into a widely respected familial musical and songwriting pedigree. Seeing both seemingly disparate worlds through the lens of personal experience, he was able to temper the influence of acoustic mountain music in the fires of a uniquely anarchist and anti fascist, punk perspective. Blazing a now well-worn trail for others, Austin made something new that was entirely his own.
Auf einen Blick:
VVK 10 € zzgl. Geb.
- Der Mindestabstand zu anderen Personen von mind. 1,5 m ist einzuhalten
- Am Einlass müssen wir die Kontaktdaten aller Gäste aufnehmen; diese werden nach der vorgeschriebenen Aufbewahrungsdauer vernichtet
- Das Konzert findet bestuhlt statt; es gibt eine Platzanweisung
- Laufwege werden durch Bodenmarkierungen angezeigt
- Beim Einlass und Platzeinnehmen sowie bei Gängen zu Klo oder Theke, wobei eine Wahrung des Mindestabstands nicht absolut garantiert werden kann, ist ein Mund-Nase-Schutz zu tragen