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Wrong Life / Astronuts
13. März 2024 | 20:00 – 23:00

Präsentiert von Keep it a Secret DIY:
WRONG LIFE from Edinburgh, Scotland started putting out EPs in 2020. Played live for the first time in July 2022 at Wonkfest in London. Have since played various shows in the UK and in the US, including shows with bands like Off With Their Heads and Riverboat Gamblers. Debut self-titled full-length came out in February 2023 (co-released by a bunch of labels in the UK, US and Japan).
„… somewhere in between heartfelt, life-affirming contemporary pop-punk and smart indie-rock of the
‘90s and early ‘00s.“ – Keep Track of the Time
„Emo-ish, punky bullshit.“ – Fraser, Wrong Life
ASTRONUTS: Gegründet Ende 2018 von Mitgliedern der Pop-Punk-Veteranen THE BARBECUTIES (Monster Zero Records) und SPYHOLE (Yo-Yo Records), veröffentlichten ASTRONUTS im Sommer 2019 ihre erste 5- Song EP ‚SPACEMENT MISSION‘. Das aktuelle Full-Length-Album ‚DARK MATTERS‘ erschien im September 2021 und ist sowohl auf CD als auch digital auf allen gängigen Streaming-Plattformen erhältlich.