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Aerial Salad / Lost Love / Athlete
21. Juni 2023 | 19:30 – 23:00

Keep it a Secret präsentiert:
AERIAL SALAD are a force to be reckoned with on stage – ferocious, relentless punk fury blends with moments of tongue-in-cheek charm and a cutting northern wit. The choruses and hooks live long in the head like their eye-catching sartorial merch and general part-casual hooligan, part skater punk demeanor.
Founded in 2013, LOST LOVE is a melodic pop punk band from Montreal, characterized by their catchy choruses and eternal optimism. To date, the band has played over 350 shows in more than 15 countries across Europe and North America, earning new fans with their unique sound.
ATHLETE sind seit 2020 zusammen unterwegs und bestehen aus ehemaligen Mitgliedern der Bands Rebel Assholes (FR) und Paprika Disco (CH), beide bereits seit vielen Jahren in der Punk-Rock-Welt unterwegs. Athlete klingen spannend, melancholisch, aggressiv und poppig zugleich und wurden beeinflusst von Bands wie Hot Water Music und Dead To Me.